A couple of weeks ago, on a Friday, Network Solutions lost all my stuff. On that day I tried to start something at the old site. I wanted to start doing a weekly thing where I recapped the week in random observations. The first one I wrote I really enjoyed writing and I'm completely peeved none of you got to see it.
While I'll not be able to recreate it, I am going to attempt to continue the trend. Feel free to add your own random observations in the comments section. More fools, more fun I always say.
The WEEK in RANDOM observations!
- Wal-Mart at 6 a.m. is VERY surreal.
- Migraines and sinus infections can have similar symptoms. Note to self, fever is usually a good indication you got something else going on.
- When your doctor rolls her eyes at you and says, "What did you do THIS time?" you are clearly far too accident prone.
- Warm days are hell on productivity. Worse yet is watching the Corgi that Ate Springfield roll ecstatically in the grass while growling his pleasure. This leads to wanting to do nothing more than come back in my next life as him.
- I have a deep devotion to my Crock Pot. But since I've discovered the George Foreman grill, I feel like I'm cheating on it a bit.
- Wind is a bitch.
- Your friends who love you most will rib you good naturedly, call you on your paranoia and point out the true errors of your ways. They also will occasionally point out what a crazy, liberal pinko you are ... but that's OK! You must love them unconditionally for this.
My random observation: 6:11am is waaaaay too early to be all lucid and clever, ya pinko commie liberal!
As I feel my heart rate respond to the caffeine surge from munching dark-chocolate-covered espresso beans, I wonder if this could replace my morning pot of coffee. All the bang, none of the bother of having to pee 10 times before noon. Hmmmmm....
Squirrels CAN climb Shepherd's Crooks, hang upside down, and eat from a bird feeder. But only for short periods.
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