Wednesday, February 28, 2007

And we're back down again

Not sure what's going on at the regular site right now, I'm hopeful the ACCESS DENIED screen is an indication Network Solutions may have unf$cked the database.

In other news, La Marmot is battling a sinus infection. Actually, that's kind of a relief given I originally thought I was about to have a major migraine event. Whee! So I'm all doped up on antibiotics. Oy. So pardon my light posting, I'm having a bit of trouble banging enough brain cells together to be coherent.

Cross your fingers the database comes back to life kiddies!

Monday, February 26, 2007

The old site is back up, sort of

If you venture on over to Snarling Marmot, you'll note the site is back online. Sadly, the archives are still not there. Here's hoping they get them back online soon or I've got LOTS of rebuilding to do and five years of work gone poof. Sigh.

Blogging will be light today ... La Marmot is feeling kinda puny.

Friday, February 23, 2007


I'm restless today. I think all of the move stuff has finally caught up to me and I'm tired, strung out and in dire need of a mental break.

I actually caught myself missing the East Coast today. When the weather got warm, I'd take lunch breaks at Gravelly Point . I really have a jones for lying on a picnic table and watching the planes fly over head. I was telling a friend this morning there was Zen like quality to it.

You could feel the vibration from the plane's engine all the way through your body even though it was hundreds of feet above you. And the sound was kind of awe inspiring as well. On spring days, the sky was always impossibly blue and clear, with high wispy clouds. It was a fantastic place to go and just drift.

I feel like drifting today. I'd like nothing more than to hit the lake, get on a boat and just stare at the sky and the water today. Unplug my mind. Let the last year slide into the water and float away.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

It's totally unfair to work in conditions like this

And by conditions I mean sunny, 60 degree weather. Here we are at the end of a long, cold spell and the weather is absolutely gorgeous. I'm thrilled. But I'm more than a little peeved I'm stuck inside at the J-O-B.

Hamish has been loving it. I let him out last night and he ran right to the middle of the yard and flopped down on his belly in the grass. I went for a long walk despite the gimpy ankle. I must say, my new neighborhood at sunset is really kinda pretty. My only regret is I didn't think to go down to Galloway Station and have a beer on the patio.

If I could get my happy rear end over to my old house to get my bistro set, I could have a beer on my own patio.

I've also been enjoying not having to take an extra five minutes to get ready in the morning by needing to put on three extra layers of clothing. There's something truly grand about not having to wash long johns every third day. However, I had to put on my lighter weight pants and they're fitting kind of funny since I lost all the weight.

This , of course, isn't a bad thing really. In fact, if this keeps up I might have to do something really crazy like bust out the pink summer pants!

Yeah. No one needs to see that.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

And that's all she has to say about THAT

Granny would just like everyone to know that she feels pretty strongly that Network Solutions, our hosting company, sucks. And I'd have to concur. Our respective sites went down sometime Friday. We were told that the issue would be resolved within 24 hours.

It's now Wednesday of the following week and we now are hearing it will be two more days.


I understand that technical problems do happen. I also understand that sometimes it takes far more time to unfuck something than to fuck it up in the first place. This is kind of one of those Murphy's Law type things.

BTW, Murphy, you're a bastard.

What sucks beyond reason is the simple change that was made to our blogs should not have caused this much chaos. Alas, it did. I'm hopeful Network Solutions will resolve the matter to our satisfaction and here's hoping they have the good sense and class to refund Granny some of her money for this fiasco.

Well hello

I suspect some of you are wondering what in the nine levels of hell happened to Yeah. Me too.

As it turns out, there was a glitch. I've been assured numerous tech wonks are working on the problem as we speak but it may be as much as two days before the blog is back online. Sigh.

In the meantime, I've been jonesing to blog, so here I am. After talking with my own techie type (aka Granny), I decided it would be prudent to have a mirror site for the blog so this will be it. You may see similar material here, you may see completely different material here. The beauty of something like this is it's all mine and I can do with it whatever my demented little mind comes up with.

And yes, we'll appear bare bones for a bit until I can get the time to organize stuff efficiently here. Expect regular updates here until the old blog is back up and running.

In other news ... I attended my first SGF Bloggers meeting in several months last night. It was good to see some of the gang. It was also nice to be out again. I was more than a little disappointed Patton Alley has stopped carrying my beloved Boulevard Wheat Ale. Some how I managed to mollify myself with a Blue Moon.

I was also disappointed our numbers were so low last night. It was just me, Andy, Ron, Stoner and Jack. It's always fun being the only gal there. I get to do fun stuff like use the word "bimbo" without irony. Sigh.