Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Well hello

I suspect some of you are wondering what in the nine levels of hell happened to Yeah. Me too.

As it turns out, there was a glitch. I've been assured numerous tech wonks are working on the problem as we speak but it may be as much as two days before the blog is back online. Sigh.

In the meantime, I've been jonesing to blog, so here I am. After talking with my own techie type (aka Granny), I decided it would be prudent to have a mirror site for the blog so this will be it. You may see similar material here, you may see completely different material here. The beauty of something like this is it's all mine and I can do with it whatever my demented little mind comes up with.

And yes, we'll appear bare bones for a bit until I can get the time to organize stuff efficiently here. Expect regular updates here until the old blog is back up and running.

In other news ... I attended my first SGF Bloggers meeting in several months last night. It was good to see some of the gang. It was also nice to be out again. I was more than a little disappointed Patton Alley has stopped carrying my beloved Boulevard Wheat Ale. Some how I managed to mollify myself with a Blue Moon.

I was also disappointed our numbers were so low last night. It was just me, Andy, Ron, Stoner and Jack. It's always fun being the only gal there. I get to do fun stuff like use the word "bimbo" without irony. Sigh.

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